This is a convenient marketplace app for finding professionals in Cyprus

We work with service providers from a wide variety of categories. Find the right one in two clicks!

Find pros in your area, with a suitable budget and a good rating

It’s quick

Communicate with pros in your preferred language. Chat has a built-in auto-translator

It’s easy to do

It's safe

Pay pros only after the task is completed

Pool Maintenance





We will find a pro for your task


We will find a pro for your task

Air conditioning/



Home Appliances


Phone repair

Choose the time, place and price

Our benefits

Book a date or contact a pro now. Decide for yourself what price for the service is comfortable for you.

Easy communication through chat

Our benefits

Communicate with pros without any problems, even if they speak a different language. A built-in auto-translator makes communication easy to understand.

WeDo manager support

Our benefits

Our support specialists are always on call

Pay directly in the app

Our benefits

Choose convenient payment methods and save your preferred ones in your account

New posts on our blog
We explain simply about complex things: how to fix the air conditioner on your own and how to get rid of mold and dust in the house.
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Are you a professional?

WeDo is a convenient app for finding new clients in Cyprus. We work with professionals from a wide range of categories.

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